Friday, February 4, 2011

Because it is my naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!

Well the whole thing is on its feet! We blocked the final two units last night and ran the whole scene. Before the run through, Jason commemorated the event by gathering us on stage and playing a round of "focus-ball" (Koli-volley (sp?)). As he has throughout the blocking process, Jason stressed that this is a collaborative experience and from here on out we are to completely trust what we feel is right or not right.

I really busted ass yesterday trying to get decently off book for the rehearsal, but I was still having issues with the lines. Regaurdless, I felt pretty good about my first crack at the scene. I used the excercise from yesterday before I entered, but because of my trouble with the lines it was less successful than last nights go after using it.

The structure of the scene is all there and I really love what its going to able to allow me to do and how its going to shape John's arch. I fall to the ground at 3 different points. Aside from the great outburst that I've been waiting to tackle, Jasons lead me to a really great choice to sit on the stage left step and curl up like a child when he refuses to hand over his confession. Its the absolute antithesis of where John begins the play. Its the physical representation of how collapsed his soul is.

I went for the kiss... at the final embrace between John and Elizabeth. Kayla and I had talked about it before but I made not mention of it durring the rehearsal until I went for it. I purposefully did that so I could just allow the moment to explode as honestly as I could for the first time, just to see where it has the potential of going. Kayla hadn't understood how I would be able to work it in, but I knew it has to be there to realize the cathartic needs of the audience and of the characters. Jason reflected my thoughts. I think it took everyeone by surprise, but there was no need to shy away from anything. I wanted to start fully committing as best I could at the early stages so that I can really find how its going to grow (the scene I mean).

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